Nathan L. Hofheins
Composer/Arranger b. April 9, 1971
Commercial/Media Music
As a media artist Nathan has written and arranged music for many television and cable networks including ESPN, Fox Sports, ABC, NBC. His more notable packages in current use for television and cable include main theme packages for ESPN College Football, ESPN Major League Soccer, and ESPN Golf. For the cinema, Nathan’s compositions are found in film trailers such as Home (Dreamworks), Deepsea Challenge 3D (National Geographic), Spiderman (Sony), The Contender (Dreamworks), Muppets from Space (Columbia Pictures), and others. He has also written extensively for Warner-Chappell Production Music (previously known as Non-Stop Music Library), a leader in the ever-expanding music library industry.
Nathan’s more notable film, television, and game credits as orchestrator/conductor include The Librarians (TNT), Ash vs. The Evil Dead (Starz), The Legend of the Seeker (Buena Vista), Spartacus (Starz), Hercules (USA Network), Xena: Warrior Princess (Renaissance Pictures), Hogwart’s Legacy, Minecraft, Honor of Kings, and Lord of the Rings Online.
For samples of Nathan's commercial/media work, please visit Warner/Chappell Production Music.
Sacred Music
In the sacred music realm, Nathan has been commissioned for works by organizations such as the Tabernacle Choir and Orchestra at Temple Square (S.L.C., UT), Cherry Creek Presbyterian Church (Denver, CO), Canto Deo (Denver, CO), Northside Church (Atlanta, GA), Valley Choral Society (Sacramento, CA), Brigham Young University (Provo, UT), and the Barlow Endowment for Musical Composition (Provo, UT). Several of his choral arrangements for these organizations have been recorded and distributed worldwide. They are also published by Vision Music Publishing and Oxford University Press.
Nathan holds B.A. (Music) and M.M. (Composition) degrees from Brigham Young University and is currently Assistant Professor teaching Commercial Music at Brigham Young University, Provo.
What Really Matters
Nathan lives very happily with his beautiful wife, Lisa, in Pleasant Grove, Utah. He is actively involved in his Christian faith.
“The aim and final end of all music should be none other than the glory of God and the re-creation of the soul. If heed is not paid to this, it is not true music but devilish blare and hubbub.”